
Studio Diary - 01/12/2001 (Day #6)

Neal Morse:

It's 5:50 a. m. , it's Friday January 12, 2001. Day 6 of TA 2.
I'm a little confused.....

I really should be sleeping but I just can't stop thinking about all this music. You know how sometimes when you need sleep the most you just can't stop your brain? I am.

Yesterday was an interesting day. Set up day is always a bit hard. So much stuff to organize...tedious things like getting drum sounds. I actually wacked Mike's drums a bit while he ate a sandwich. (We're all frustrated drummers aren't we?). Well, when we finally got going, I thought things were moving along fine, but Mike was getting cranky that we didn't have enough momentum, plus I had invited a photographer and a guy to shoot video and the place is a little small for 2 engineers, a runner, the band and everyone Mike was getting a bit edgy.

We took a break for dinner and thinned the herd and things got much more relaxed. Sometimes you can't do your best work with a lot of people around.

God, these guys are incredible. What a dream come true. To be in a beautiful studio in pleasant surroundings working on killer music with some of the best players in the world! It boggles the mind.

Anyway, we got almost half way through the "Hanging in the balance" piece, which I think is great progress....I'm already hoping we can wrap up a day early and have a DAY OFF!!!!! fat chance with Mr. Mike around!

Gonna try and get some more sleep now. talk later....


Pete Trewavas:

Hi again
Day 2 of recording has just started. First I re did some Basses we recorded yesterday, and then Roine did some work and now,Mad Mike is going to drop in on the drum track. Something not to tried at home I can asure you. This is not a usual practice but Mike pulls it off everytime. I am really pleased with the way it's all going. I have a great Bass sound and we have a stronger record than last time, I feel.
I will write more when I get some more time and access to Neals Laptop


Neal Morse:

Friday Night 01/12/01 9:30 pm

Just ate Macaroni grill again!! It's just SO good we can't get enough. I wonder if we can get an endorsement deal with them......

Closing in on the end of the 1st epic. Mike's just getting warmed up at 9:30 and talking about finishing this one and starting another (?!) and I'm way ready for bed. (way...dude....I'm from California...). We're all in good spirits and prog is alive and well in Nashville Tennessee. They usually record Country and Christian artists here mostly so I'm wondering what the engineers really think about this stuff in 7 and 5. They seem to be into it. It's funny to be doing a full on prog thing with platinum albums by Faith Hill and Trace Atkins on the wall.



Mike Portnoy:

Got some REAL momentum happening today!
Started off by changing a few things from yesterday's drum tracks and then spent the rest of the day's session finishing up the drums for "Stranger in your Soul" (I think that title is gonna stick...)
Man this song RULES!!
I think its WAY up there with any of the classic 20 minutes pieces...(Close To The Edge, 2112, Supper's Ready...OK, I'll throw in A Change of Seasons and All Of The Above, too!!)
I came a few more times after laying down my tracks on the huge grand finale!
: )

On a sadder note, my family had to leave late last night back for New York because we found out my cat E.T. was taken to the hospital and is not doing good at all...

Between that sad news and the sad themes that close the song we just recorded that are still running through my head, I'm a bit bummed out at the moment...
: (

Carpe Diem for sure...  |  |  |  |  Webmaster: Mark Bredius 2000-2025