
Studio Diary - 01/07/2001 (Day #1: Rehearsals)

Mike Portnoy:

Rehearsals/PreProduction began today!
We are in Nashville this time out (Neal's home turf).
I have my family in tow with me (my wife, 2 kids, my mother in law, my aupair and last but not least, the unofficial 5th member of Transatlantic: my dog Bongo!)

We got off to a slow start today...mostly due to everybody dealing with rent-a-cars, hotels, setting up gear, etc. etc. (and oh yeah...and the ever late one: yours truly!)

We spent some time tweeking gear and warmed up with a loose version of My New World (we have to somehow rehearse for the NAMM gig as well)
Spent some time listening through lots of songs/ideas demos and discussing what we like, don't like, etc.

The first thing we jumped into is an old song of Neal's that had been laying around for years now called "Dance with the Devil" (all titles subject to change!)
I remember he sent me a demo of this song years ago during the initial TA discussions and we kind overlooked it.....I recently dug it back out and suggested today to the guys to give it a listen and next thing we knew, we were knees deep in reworking the thing! (It was not originally on the table this time around, so my suggestion was kind of out of left field, but everybody was into it)

We only have the new intro written so far (2 or 3 or so minutes), but it's sounding cool....

We're all in need of a good night's sleep, and we'll dive in tomorrow with fresh heads and ears....

Ciao baby!  |  |  |  |  Webmaster: Mark Bredius 2000-2025